Benefits of Equine Massage
Native W h i s p e r s...
Native W h i s p e r s...
Native W h i s p e r s...
Native W h i s p e r s...
Evening Storm asks:
When is the last time you did something nurturing for your horse ?
Our List of Benefits:
Relieves tension and muscles spasms
Enhances muscle tone and increases your horse's range of motion
Helps to improve circulation which promotes more rapid healing of injuries
Increases the production of synovial fluid in the joints
Reduces inflammation and swelling in the joints so that pain is relieved
Lengthens connective tissue and breaks down/prevents the formation of adhesions
Improves the Horse's immmune system
Increases potential performance and endurance
Helps with general discomfort, and the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems
Improves your Horse's mental state and helps to decrease aggressive behavior
Improves your Horses general appearance
Helps to extend the good health, general well-being and lifespan of your horse
In addition:
The Native Whispers approach is nurturing , rather than clinical, so your horse will respond favorably to the therapy and enjoy a relaxed nuturing experience
Our Explanation of the Benefits:
Reasons for equine massage vary, equine therapists strive to ease pain, increase range of motion and restore a horse's inherent grace. Massage benefits, muscular, skeletal, immune, nervous, respiratory, endocrine, reproductive, digestive, lymphatic, and circulatory systems. It releases accumulated stress-producing toxins, and in general; speeds recovery time from exertion or illness. Horses who display common signs of discomfort such as: head tilting and shaking, aversion to touch, aggression, bucking, uneven stride, resistance to grooming and care may benefit from massage.
Reasons You Sould Consider Equine Massage:
Here at Native Whispers, our founder Jane Littledeer recommends using equine massage prior to and after racing or jumping events, and as conditioning prior to horse shows, for injury prevention and care, and for the general health and well-being of your horse. All horses will benefit from, for conditioning and pain relief and the therapy benefits listed above.
All equine massage is conducted personally by Jane Littledeer, combined with the Native Whispers concept insuring that your horse receives the highest quality service and attention, combined with the nurtiring, healing , understanding, and guidance that comes only from true ancient Native American care.
For More complete information please visit our origin of Native Whispers and Founder and Philosophy pages.